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Su Cnn news si scrive: «An op-ed in the Washington Post argues President Biden should pardon President-elect Donald Trump as a last-ditch effort to end any cycle of politically motivated investigations. Would giving Trump a legal blank slate restore some kind of normalcy to the White House?».
Prima Bill Clinton, poi il Washington Post: sono ormai diverse le personalità americane che chiedono a Joe Biden un atto di riconciliazione con Trump.
Su Politico Brian Faler scrive: «A group of eleven moderate Senate Democrats say they want to work with Republicans on addressing the GOP's expiring tax cuts and raising the debt ceiling. In a new letter to Republican leaders, they say they are willing to cut spending, protect family-oriented tax policies, have “competitive” rates on businesses — and that they can provide enough votes to allow Republicans to overcome a filibuster in the Senate without having to resort to so-called reconciliation».
Anche un gruppo di senatori democra...
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