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C’è una “maggioranza venezuelana” positiva per l’Europa

Di Lodovico Festa
24 Gennaio 2025
Dalla revisione di parti del Green Deal alle politiche sull’immigrazione, sono diversi i temi su cui destra e centro trovano convergenze. Rassegna ragionata dal web
Mateusz Morawiecki, presidente del partito dei Conservatori e Riformisti europei (Ecr) (foto Ansa)
Mateusz Morawiecki, presidente del partito dei Conservatori e Riformisti europei (Ecr) (foto Ansa)

Su Politico Nicholas Vinocur, Nette Nöstlinger, Oliver Noyan e Max Griera scrivono: «The likely acceptance of the far-right Freedom Party into the fold – coalition talks between Kickl and the center-right Austrian People’s Party are ongoing in Vienna – marks the demise of Europe’s famed cordon sanitaire, the firewall that has kept right-wing populists out of power for decades across the continent. On Monday, Austria’s interim chancellor, Alexander Schallenberg, made a last-minute trip to Brussels to reassure partners about Austria’s future, telling Brussels Playbook: “Austria is and will remain a reliable, constructive and strong partner in the European Union and around the world.” Despite concerns about the direction of Austrian policy under Kickl, two EU diplomats who were granted anonymity to speculate about diplomatic consequences said it was unlikely that leaders would lodge any sort of formal protest against Austria if he becomes chancellor».

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